I would like to recommend a few recent books that I thought were exceptional: A nice option is to download the books into your Ipod so you can listen while walking the dog or exercising or ... almost anything! Best deals I found were at Audible and Amazon. Note:You can get a good synopsis of each book by Googling the title as I can't match the experts summary skills :-)
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell; Another great book by the author that brought us "The Tipping Point" and "Blink". IMHO this is his best book yet. Every chapter has examples of situations that effect not only our success but also our decision making. I really enjoyed his idea of the 10,000 hour rule. Check it out.
Hot, Flat and Crowded by Thomas Friedman; This book discussed in detail how a green revolution can renew America, now more than ever. I saw a lot of parallels between our national energy policy (or lack of one0 and our health care policy (also missing). A good read to dispel old myths and present new ideas for a new world.
Side note: Friedman will be speaking locally on March 10th:http://www.umnh.utah.edu/nature
The Post American World by Fareed Zakaria; A nice follow up to Hot, Flat, Crowded . This Newsweek writer and CNN TV Host presents our world as changing rapidly and we need to get on board and understand this is not the place you once thought it was.
Movie recommendation: I give Slumdog Millionaire two big thumbs up!