Tuesday, April 14, 2009


What is a miracle? Larry Dossey, M.D. explores this question in a recent article available at our office titled "Canceled Funerals: A Look at Miracle Cures". Dr. Dossey asks some good questions including, "Do miracles really happen?" He states, "It depends of course, on what we mean by a miracle. Hard-core materialists believe the idea of a miracle is absurd. Other individuals, however, believe that the laws of nature are not absolute; they can be suspended temporarily, permitting miracles to happen. And in any case, they say, because our knowledge of nature's laws is certain to be incomplete, we should be cautious in declaring what can and cannot happen."
Whether miracles occur or not is a personal opinion. However, I totally agree with the concept of our awareness of nature's or the body's ability being incomplete. In my 24 years of being a Chiropractor I've witnessed things that seemed impossible; beyond the limitations of science, time and matter. What this has taught me is to be humble, respectful and non-judgmental when it comes to a persons innate healing potential. Far be it form me to put a limit on what your body is capable of. I would like you to share that belief in the simple way of expanding the possibilities of what your body can do when it's healthy. Beginning in 1895 the Chiropractic principle has stressed the idea of a universal intelligence at work within you, striving to maintain life. This concept is even more valuable today because we tend to look outside of our body for answers to better health. We have reversed the concept of gaining knowledge for the 'tree of life' and instead look to the tree of knowledge to learn about life. You decide: Life comes form knowledge or knowledge comes from life. Are you ready to expect a miracle?