People who have had little exposure to the health restoring and health maintaining aspect of chiropractic usually want to know what chiropractic can do for a particular disease or condition, or a number of different conditions. This perception of chiropractic, while incorrect, is based on two very legitimate misconceptions.
First, they have probably met and talked with people who have gotten well from a variety of physical ailments while under chiropractic care. This leads to the incorrect conclusion that chiropractic or the chiropractor got them well.
The second is not related to experience but to a way of thinking. Most people have been led to believe that disease is something that attacks the body and must be fought or in some way destroyed. They are accustomed to health care being disease-driven and naturally address their attention toward the disease and ridding the body of it.
Chiropractic is a completely different approach. It does not address disease or its treatment or cure. Chiropractic concerns itself with the correction of vertebral subluxations.
Subluxations, or vertebral misalignments, interfere with the proper function of the nervous system and prevent the body's inborn potential from being realized. Those potentials are in a number of areas of well-being and health, not the least of which is the ability of the body to heal itself of medical conditions and diseases.
There are a number of other areas of life (social, mental and intellectual) that are just as drastically affected by interference in the nervous system. All are related to our body's ability to adapt. But the most obvious one is in the area of self-healing.
A body, when free of subluxation or when the interference has been lessened, has greater potential to heal itself of all medical conditions. Often it does, and these instances are the ones that seem to impress the average person, causing them to believe that chiropractic can cure or help various medical conditions. It is an understandable error, but an error nonetheless.
The living body has the ability to do what no doctor of any kind is able to do. It can create living tissue to replace diseased and dead cells. Just as the body will heal a cut finger or mend a broken bone without any thought or action on our part, so it is able to create new cells to repair itself. The principle that creates a living human being in approximately nine months out of two small cells is the same principle that heals. Healing truly comes from within. The chiropractor's role is relatively simple: that of removing interference within the human body.
What can chiropractic do for headaches, backaches, asthma, diabetes or cancer? Nothing. The objective of the chiropractor is not to treat or cure diseases. The question that should be asked is: "What can the body do for those diseases?" The answer to that one is quite the opposite: Everything.
Every disease that was ever cured in every patient who ever lived was cured because the body healed itself. The best any medical doctor has ever been able to do in "curing" someone is relieve the symptoms until the body cured itself. That is the medical objective. Removing interference in order to allow the body to perform its task is the chiropractic objective. Once the chiropractic objective has been realized, the chiropractor has done all that he or she is able to do. It is then up to the innate intelligence of the body to do the rest. The wisdom which creates a living human being in nine months time has the capability of producing insulin where it couldn't be produced before. It can heal an ulcer, fight off an infection, and cure the incurable common cold.
Chiropractic cannot do anything for any disease. It can allow the body of every living person to express itself, free of interference in the nervous system. Each human being with a diagnosed disease, an undiagnosed disease, or with no disease needs to have his or her body functioning with a good nerve supply. That is essential to health and is reason enough for seeking regular chiropractic care.Health is for everyone!
Make sure you tell others about the benefits of chiropractic!